dog day

Let's Celebrate those dogs that love to play in the mud

It doesn't matter what breed of dog we may have I'm sure that a lot of you know that dog that can't help but get muddy. 

And this year the search is on for

UK's Muddiest Dog - is this yours?

Post photos on social media on Saturday 29th October using #muddydogday and tag us @distinctivepets for the chance to win.

For a lot of us it makes us smile seeing our dogs enjoy themselves in the mud.  Let's celebrate our muddy dogs - share stories and photographs with each other.  Let's get Muddy Dogs trending!. 


Five ways to celebrate every National Muddy Dog Day 

Meet up with a friend and your dogs for a walk in the countryside

Post a photo, or three, of your muddy dog, don’t forget the hashtag #muddydogday

Take your dog on a new walk – maybe find some more mud.

Treat you and your dog to some new winter walking gear.

Plan a fundraiser in your area or donate to a local dog rescue

These are just some ideas – you may have your own ideas on how to celebrate #muddydogday – do whatever makes you and your dog happy.

We’d love to hear and see what you have done to mark the day.  Share on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #muddydogday and tag @distinctivepets so we can share your fantastic, muddy photos and stories.

Jo, Muppet, Molly and Rosie (the muddiest Labrador I know)


lets get those paws muddy.