Winter Walks with your dog
Winter Walks with your Dog

Our dogs do still need exercise in winter – whatever the weather but there are certain things we can do to help them.
Check the weather
This may not be possible if your are working and still have to walk your dog but if the weather is variable and you can adjust the time that you are walking your dog and take advantage of better weather this can benefit both you and your dog.
I know that I’m very much in a routine with my dogs’ walks I generally will walk straight after I’ve finished mucking out the horses – whatever the weather. But on wet days I could often wait until it’s stopped raining!!!
Adjust your Walks
Maybe you can consider taking your dog for shorter walks but more frequently. It’s does tend to warm up towards the middle of the day as well with less frost or ice around.
Dress your dog appropriately
This will really depend on the type of coat your dog has naturally.
Some breeds such as Labradors, Huskies or German Shepherds have an undercoat which protects them from harsh weather. But if your dog has a much thinner coat it’s likely that they will need a coat, jumper or fleece to protect them. There are many on the market and it’s personal preference as to what suits your dog’s needs.
Protect their paws
There is nothing worse for our dog’s paws than snow and ice. This weather can cause paws to dry out and crack.
You can protect paws with paw balm which will moisturise the paws.
Keep your dog on a lead.
Particularly in bad weather you could consider keeping your dog on a lead which could prevent them becoming spooked by he unknown.
Avoid frozen Water
This may sound obvious but you don’t know how thick any ice will be. It may not be able to support the weight of your dog.
Clean your dog when home.
This is a very important part of winter walks particularly after a muddy walk. Any mud should be washed or wiped off your dog. I know that mine can get very dirty tummies as well as legs and paws.
Legs and paws are washed or towelled whilst a Ruff & Tumble Drying coat is put on once we arrive back from a walk.

And on a final note please remember that it’s not long until the days get longer and hopefully warmer and drier!!!